Remember when you were a child and your skin was soft and gentle? I do too, but we can’t run away from time. As we age, every single part of our body ages as well. It can’t reproduce cells as quickly as before, your skin can get bruised more easily than before, and there’s not a lot you can do to stop this process.
It’s an inevitable part of growing up; when we reach a certain age, our bodies stop producing ‘new’ cells and it starts focusing on replacing old and dead ones. This age is, as agreed upon by many experts, 25. At 25 years of age, your body slows down and it is basically a point of no return.
However, when it comes to skin, you can keep it younglike for extended periods of time, whether through surgery, professional treatment, or other means. Surgery isn’t always your best option as it’s the most expensive yet required only in special situations. Why pay so much money for this, when you can get yourself an alternative; a product that will help your skin look younger through continuous use. We’re talking about the Derma Roller, a new type of product on the market that revitalizes your skin.
UPDATE: SmileyBerry is offering a special 50% DISCOUNT
Discount link: Derma Roller Special Offer – ONLY $17.95
How Does it Work?
The Derma Roller is supposed to break through your skin. This has the effect of increasing collagen production which is directly connected to how ‘young’ your skin looks. Collagen production slows down as we age, so this type of product is perfect for achieving the results you’re looking for.
It also fixes pigment distribution across your face by breaking through the skin and causing it to, well, bleed a bit. This small amount of blood is completely normal; even the most professional treatments have this side-effect. The Derma Roller gets rid of wrinkles and erases fine lines on your face (the ones people look at when ‘determining’ someone’s age).
Finally, this product can penetrate the epidermal growth factor and ‘high-tech’ ingredients such as stem cells.
Why Should I Buy it?
All products of this caliber are great alternatives to your regular doctor’s appointment for rejuvenating skin. Most of them aren’t expensive and, even though you should be careful when purchasing and using them, will do what you expect them too. They might take longer than traditional methods, but again, I stress the fact that they are cheaper and work just as well.
However, we must give you a word of advice and caution. Overusing these products can potentially cause damage to your skin, and not just the top layer. You should always be careful and gentle when using it; don’t push it into your skin too hard just because you think the needles aren’t doing their job.
Are They Safe?
Yes, they are safe. But, in an effort to avoid any side effects such as scarring, damage to skin, excessive bleeding – you shouldn’t use this product excessively. As long as you are careful, you will have skin that looks years younger. Remember: Be gentle – the needles, albeit small, will cause unnecessary damage if you push the product into your skin more than it’s necessary.
Can a Derma Roller Help Acne Scars?
Acne is a common skin problem that can affect both teenagers and adults. Having to deal with acne itself is bad enough, but acne can also leave behind permanent scars.
Acne scarring can really have a negative impact on your self-esteem and quality of life. It can destroy your confidence and cause you to miss out on experiences you would normally enjoy because you feel so self-conscious. You may feel anxious and/or depressed about the way your skin looks.
Thankfully, the derma roller can help acne scars.
The derma roller can produce comparable results to more traditional scar removal therapies, such as deep skin peels, lasers and fractional lasers. However, unlike these treatments, the derma roller is non-ablative (it does not destroy the top layer of skin to cause a wound-healing response). Instead, the derma roller makes use of the body’s own natural healing process, without damaging the skin. As a result, downtime is minimal and there are no known side effects.
Most scar removal treatments cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds when carried out in a skin or medical clinic. But you can easily and safely use a derma roller at home to get equivalent (or better) results, at the fraction of the cost.
Watch the Video Below to See How Derma Roller Remove Acne Scars
How Much Does it Cost?
What’s the price? Well, you’ll be delighted to know that you’ll be able to get this bundle for just $36.97! But, that’s not all! We have another surprise for you. If you order now, the Derma Roller can be yours for a meager $17.95! You’ve read that correctly – this product bundle is available for 50% of its original asking price.
Who says skincare has to be expensive?
100% As Advertised Or It’s FREE!
SmileyBerry is a great company that offers mind-blowing guarantee… If you buy this Derma Roller and still aren’t satisfied, you’ll get your money back and keep the device! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Buy the Derma Roller today!